Cut Out
Title: Chewie Date/Time: 2/26/10 11:00 AM
Location: Visalia California
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 4.5 & 1/400 Camera: Nikon D40 Self-Timer
Chewie Edited: I made this guy at Build-A-Bear and named him Chewie. I used the quick selection to cut him out of the picture and then refined the edges to be a little more smooth and have a slight feather.
Title: Baby Steps Date/Time: 2/26/10 11:00 AM
Location: Visalia California
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.3 & 1/500 Camera: Nikon D40
Baby Steps Edited: I used the quick selection tool to cut out my husband and I and refined the edges to make it more smooth. I then used a layer mask to bring us in front of a white rectangle. I then typed the title to make a little more interesting and put a drop shadow on it as well.