Flexible Edits
Title: Steve Date/Time: 5/8/11 12:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/8 Camera: Nikon D40
The first thing I did to edit this picture was to enable smart filter. I then using the smart filters put on a poster edges filter. I did this because the dog steve was a little fuzzy in the picture. I used the filter to make the edges stand out better. I didn't like making the ridges on the carpet behind him stand out so I masked the filter on everything except for the dog.
Title: Flowers Date/Time: 5/7/11 4:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 4.5 & 1/1600 Camera: Nikon D40
The first thing I did for this picture was enable smart filters and add a Gaussian blur. I masked out the effect completely on the main flower and with less opacity on the flowers that are closer to the camera. Next I added a levels layer and darkened the image. I masked the levels on the outer edges of the main flower but left the rest of the image. Lastly I added another levels layer to darken the top right corner and masked out the effect on the rest of the image.
Great cropping on your dog portrait, but it is a bit dark on my screen. You have some interesting light edits on your daffodils. I like it!
I love your flexible edits. I love how you not only cropped the picture to bring the dog closer, but I also really like the filter you used. The filter is very appropriate and fitting for the image and theme you were going for. I also really like the adjustment layers you used for the flower picture. The way you really brought out the colors and contrasted them with each other created a very beautiful image. Finally, I really like the masks you used to create dark spaces around the flower. Your flexible edits turned out great. Nice work!
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