Title: Stephanie and Blur Date/Time: 5/18/11 6:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/80 Camera: Nikon D40
For this picture I zoomed in to 55mm and put my aperture as big as it could go because I wanted to get the trees behind her blurry. I also kept her far away from them to get a better effect. I tried to put her eyes as the main focus of the picture.
Title: Stephanie Look Date/Time: 5/18/11 6:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/125 Camera: Nikon D40
For this picture I used aperture priority with the largest I could while zoomed in to 55mm to get good proportions. I tried to balance her and the corner behind her on the thirds to get good composition.
Title: Waiting Date/Time: 5/18/11 6:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/250 Camera: Nikon D40
For the full body shot I still wanted to keep my subject close so I had her sit down so I could get more of her in the frame. I told her to pretend to wait for a train and look down the tracks.
Title: Kissy Face Date/Time: 5/17/11 4:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/500 Camera: Nikon D40
I took my friend Janessa's engagement pictures and in between poses they were just enjoying being together and I caught it on camera. In post production I adjusted the layers and airbrushed their skin a little.
Title: Smooch Date/Time: 5/17/11 4:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 4 & 1/100 Camera: Nikon D40
Since they were being so cute and lovey I had them pose that way in front of this old door. I used a reflector to add the light right where they come together. In post production I cropped the image and adjusted the levels.
Title: Mowing Date/Time: 5/18/11 7:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/80 Camera: Nikon D40
This guy was mowing the grass around where I was taking pictures and he was happy to let me photograph him too. I used aperture priority with a large aperture but since he was so close to the house it didn't get very blurred so I added just a little bit in PhotoShop.
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