Portrait Edits
Title: Temple Marriage Date/Time: 5/17/11 5:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/500 Camera: Nikon D40
The first thing I did was to use the spot healing tool to get ride of their moles and large freckles. Then I used the brush tool at a low opacity and flow to airbrush their skin. Next I selected their teeth and put feather on the selection and painted over them with 10% opacity of white paint.
Title: Walking Date/Time: 5/18/11 6:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 6.3 & 1/160 Camera: Nikon D40
I used the color replace tool in PhotoShop to change the color of the suitcase to match the color of her shirt that is sticking out under her jacket. I also added burned edges around the picture and lowered the vibrance.
Title: Falls Date/Time: 5/17/11 5:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.3 & 1/160 Camera: Nikon D40
Title: Smirk Date/Time: 5/17/11 5:00 PM Location: Rexburg
F-stop & Shutter Speed: 5.6 & 1/250 Camera: Nikon D40
When I took this picture it was over exposed so I used the color match tool in PhotoShop to bring back the color from another picture where Ben was making a face. It made it a lot easier than just adjusting the levels and trying to bring back the color myself.
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